• Single crystal diamond (SCD) series are synthetic diamonds made by HPHT (high pressure high temperature) synthesis, to ensure sizes and stability of physical properties, longer growth time and extreme conditions are required when comparing with saw grade synthetic diamond.

      SCD series products are the best choices for high precision cutting tools processing nonferrous metals and non-metal materials, high precision dressers for wheel dressing, wear parts and wire drawing dies.

      SCD-B series oriented on the crystallographic {100} are used for cutting tool and wear parts, with sizes: 3x3mm, 4x4mm, 5x5mm, 6x6mm, thickness ranges from 1mm to 2mm.
      Three grades SCD-B10, B20, B30 are divided when considering their right angles.

  • SCD-B10  
    Very low inner impurity, good transparency, golden-yellow color, four right angles.

    Very low impurity, good transparency, golden-yellow color, only two right angles.
    Very low impurity, good transparency, golden-yellow color , no right angles.